In the mystical realm of"北族人" (The Northern People), we are transported into a mesmerizing blend of puppetry, stop-motion animation, live-action, and theatrical elements. Following their groundbreaking feature-length animated film"The Wolf House" (2018), the Chilean duo behind this cinematic marvel takes us on an unforgettable journey through the liminal space of a vast studio. Our guide in this surreal landscape is a multifaceted woman, seamlessly transitioning between the roles of storyteller, actress, and illusionist. Within the confines of Méliès-style cardboard sets and effigies, she leads us on a quest through the life and mind of a truly enigmatic figure: Miguel Serrano (1917-2009), a Chilean neo-Nazi and writer who delved into the realms of esotericism with fervor.
As we navigate through the intricacies of Serrano's life, we are confronted with questions that defy easy answers. Is he merely a fascinating anomaly, a product of his time and circumstances? Or does his existence symbolize something far more sinister, hinting at the depths of human darkness?"北族人" challenges us to explore the blurred lines between reality and fiction, delving into the complexities of human nature and the allure of the esoteric. Through a kaleidoscope of cinematic techniques and narrative layers, the film invites audiences to contemplate the legacy of a man whose ideas continue to provoke and disturb long after his passing.